Sabtu, 02 Februari 2013

Bali Island

Bali is a small island of the beautiful and captivating island of bali majority of the population is Hindu religion if you come to Bali along your journey towards the many attractions in Balipasti find Pura.
Pura good family, and heaven Pura Pura Besakih sad like heaven,,, primarily, and the largest temple in the island resort of Bali.

Bali Island

Bali is a small island of the beautiful and captivating island of bali majority of the population is Hindu religion if you come to Bali along your journey towards the many attractions in Balipasti find Pura.
Pura good family, and heaven Pura Pura Besakih sad like heaven,,, primarily, and the largest temple in the island resort of Bali.

Kamis, 29 November 2012

Sabtu, 30 Juni 2012

**NUSA DUA TOUR** ヌサツアー



Flying Fish
Flying Fish adalah jenis permainan water sport yang terbaru di Tanjung Benoa Water Sport. Permainan ini bisa dimainkan 2 orang penumpang dan 1 orang instruktur di tengah nya. Flying Fish menggunakan speed boat untuk menariknya hingga terbang sekitar 2 sampai 5 meter, tergantung kecepatan angin di lokasi. Durasi permainan ini adalah 2 putaran.

   Jet Ski
Permainan ini menggunakan kendaraan boat seperti sepeda motor yang bisa melaju dengan kecepatan tinggi di air. Bagi pemula akan ditemani seorang instruktur di belakang anda untuk membantu saat di pinggir karena banyak terdapat banyak perahu – perahu. Setelah di tengah laut anda bisa kendarai sendiri. Durasi permainan adalah 15 menit.

Diving adalah aktivitas menyelam yang bisa anda nikmati di Bali Water Sport. Di sini anda akan diajak menikmati indahnya alam bawah pantai disertai berbagai jenis ikan warna warni. Sebelum anda memulai penyelaman anda akan diberikan pengarahan mengenai tata cara melakukan penyelaman yang benar. Durasi aktivitas ini adalah 1 kali dive. 

Diving adalah aktivitas menyelam yang bisa anda nikmati di Bali Water Sport. Di sini anda akan diajak menikmati indahnya alam bawah pantai disertai berbagai jenis ikan warna warni. Sebelum anda memulai penyelaman anda akan diberikan pengarahan mengenai tata cara melakukan penyelaman yang benar. Durasi aktivitas ini adalah 1 kali dive. 

Snorkeling adalah wisata menikmati pemandangan bawah laut dari permukaan air dengan menggunakan Masker, Snorkel dan Fin (kaki katak). Kita akan bisa menikmati indahnya trumbu karang dan menyaksikan berbagai jenis ikan yang bertebaran di bawak laut sambil berenang. Durasi wisata snorkeling adalah sekitar 1 jam.


 Pantai Dreamland Dreamland Beach Picture 1

Pantai Dreamland Dreamland Beach Picture 2



Uluwatu, yang terletak di ujung selatan pulau Bali dan mengarah ke samudra Hindia, merupakan tempat wisata yang menawan, di kawasan ini terdapat Pura Luhur Uluwatu yang mempunyai legenda tersendiri
Pura Luhur Uluwatu adalah salah satu pura di Bali dengan lokasinya yang sangat indah. panoramanya yang spektakuler. Terletak di bagian barat laut, pura ini seperti bertengger di ujung tebing batu yang sangat tinggi dan curam, dengan pemandangan lautnya dibawah berwarna biru bersih dan hantaman ombak yang menghasilkan buih-buih putih yang sangat cantik.

sumber foto :
Pura yang berdiri kokoh di atas batu karang yang menjorok ke arah laut dengan ketinggian sekitar 50 meter. Menikmati indahnya sunset pada senja hari dan dan dikaasan ini dapat juga menyaksikan pementasan tari bali yang terkenal ” tari Kecak ” dan disekitar komplek pura terdapat segerombolan monyet. Monyet yang usil suka mengambil kacamata, tas, dompet atau apa saja yang gampang direbut.
Selain itu kawasan pantai di Uluwatu dengan ombaknya yang cukup besar sangat menantang untuk pencinta olahraga surfing. Tiap tahun event berlevel internasional selalu diadakan di pantai seputaran Uluwatu ini.
Untuk bisa masuk kedalam pura ini pengunjung harus mengenakan sarung dan selempang yang bisa disewa ditempat itu. Waktu terbaik untuk mengunjungi pura Uluwatu adalah sore hari pada saat matahari terbenam sehingga bisa menyaksikan pemandangan spektakulernya.
Tahun 1489 Masehi datanglah ke Pulau Bali seorang purohita, sastrawan dan rohaniwan bernama Danghyang Dwijendra , sebelumnya bernama Danghyang Nirartha. menikahi seorang putri di Daha, Jawa Timur. oleh sang Guru dianugerahi bhiseka kawikon dengan nama Danghyang Dwijendra dengan syarat diberi tugas melaksanakan dharmayatra sebagai salah satu syarat kawikon. Dharmayatra ini harus dilaksanakan di Pulau Bali, dengan tambahan tugas yang sangat berat dari guru sekaligus mertuanya yaitu menata kehidupan adat dan agama khususnya di Pulau Bali. Bila dianggap perlu dharmayatra itu dapat diteruskan ke Pulau Sasak dan Sumbawa.
Danghyang Dwijendra datang ke Pulau Bali, pertama kali menginjakkan kakinya di pinggiran pantai barat daya daerah Jembrana , Di tempat inilah Danghyang Dwijendra meninggalkan pemutik atau pengutik dengan tangkai (pati) kayu ancak. Pati kayu ancak itu ternyata hidup dan tumbuh subur menjadi pohon ancak. Sampai sekarang daun kayu ancak dipergunakan sebagai kelengkapan banten di Bali. Sebagai peringatan dan penghormatan terhadap beliau, dibangunlah sebuah pura yang diberi nama Purancak.
Setelah mengadakan dharmayatra di Pulau Bali , dalam perjalanan , Danghyang Dwijendra menuju barat daya ujung selatan Pulau Bali, yaitu pada daerah gersang, penuh batu yang disebut daerah bebukitan. Setelah beberapa saat tinggal di sana, beliau merasa mendapat panggilan dari Hyang Pencipta untuk segera kembali amoring acintia parama moksha. Di tempat inilah Ida Pedanda Sakti Wawu Rauh teringat (icang eling) dengan samaya (janji) dirinya untuk kembali ke asal-Nya. Itulah sebabnya tempat kejadian ini disebut Cangeling sampai sekarang.
Ida Pedanda Sakti Wawu Rauh ngulati (mencari) tempat yang dianggap aman dan tepat untuk melakukan parama moksha.kemudian  berpindah lagi ke lokasi lain. di Desa Pecatu , di tempat ini, kemudian dibangun sebuah pura yang diberi nama Pura Kulat. Nama itu berasal dari kata ngulati. dan sambil menangis karena sedih belum mendapatkan tempat yang aman , beliau membuat lagi pura Pura Ngis (asal dari kata tangis). Pura Ngis ini berlokasi di Banjar Tengah Desa Adat Pecatu.
lanjut perjalanan  Beliau kemudian tiba di sebuah tempat yang penuh batu-batu besar. Beliau merasa hanya sendirian. Di tempat ini, lalu didirikan sebuah pura yang diberi nama Pura Batu Diyi. Juga di tempat ini Danghyang Dwijendra merasa kurang aman untuk parama moksha. Dengan perjalanan yang cukup melelahkan menahan lapar dan dahaga, akhirnya beliau tiba di daerah bebukitan yang selalu mendapat sinar matahari terik. Untuk memayungi diri, beliau mengambil sebidang daun kumbang dan berusaha mendapatkan sumber air minum. Setelah berkeliling tidak menemukan sumber air minum, akhirnya Danghyang Dwijendra menancapkan tongkatnya. Maka keluarlah air amertha. Di tempat ini lalu didirikan sebuah pura yang disebut Pura Payung dengan sumber mata air yang dipergunakan sarana tirtha sampai sekarang.
Ida Pedanda Sakti Wawu Rauh kemudian beranjak lagi ke lokasi lain, untuk menghibur diri sebelum melaksanakan detik-detik kembali ke asal. Di tempat ini lalu didirikan sebuah pura bernama Pura Selonding yang berlokasi di Banjar Kangin Desa Adat Pecatu. Setelah puas menghibur diri, Danghyang Dwijendra merasa lelah. Maka beliau mencari tempat untuk istirahat. Saking lelahnya sampai-sampai beliau sirep (ketiduran). Di tempat ini lalu didirikan sebuah pura yang diberi nama Pura Parerepan (parerepan artinya pasirepan, tempat penginapan) yang berlokasi di Desa Pecatu.
Mendekati detik-detik akhir untuk parama moksha, Danghyang Dwijendra menyucikan diri dan mulat sarira terlebih dahulu. Di tempat ini sampai sekarang berdirilah sebuah pura yang disebut Pura Pangleburan yang berlokasi di Banjar Kauh Desa Adat Pecatu. Setelah menyucikan diri, beliau melanjutkan perjalanannya menuju lokasi ujung barat daya Pulau Bali. Tempat ini terdiri atas batu-batu tebing. Apabila diperhatikan dari bawah permukaan laut, kelihatan saling bertindih, berbentuk kepala bertengger di atas batu-batu tebing itu, dengan ketinggian antara 50-100 meter dari permukaan laut. Dengan demikian disebut Uluwatu. Ulu artinya kepala dan watu berarti batu.
Sebelum Danghyang Dwijendra parama moksha, beliau memanggil juragan perahu yang pernah membawanya dari Sumbawa ke Pulau Bali. Juragan perahu itu bernama Ki Pacek Nambangan Perahu. Sang Pandita minta tolong agar juragan perahu membawa pakaian dan tongkatnya kepada istri beliau yang keempat di Pasraman Griya Sakti Mas di Banjar Pule, Desa Mas, Ubud, Gianyar. Pakaian itu berupa jubah sutra berwarna hijau muda serta tongkat kayu. Setelah Ki Pacek Nambangan Perahu berangkat menuju Pasraman Danghyang Dwijendra di Mas, Ida Pedanda Sakti Wawu Rauh segera menuju sebuah batu besar di sebelah timur onggokan batu-batu bekas candi peninggalan Kerajaan Sri Wira Dalem Kesari. Di atas batu itulah, Ida Pedanda Sakti Wawu Rauh beryoga mengranasika, laksana keris lepas saking urangka, hilang tanpa bekas, amoring acintia parama moksha.



tumpek landep

Tumpek Landep adalah hari di mana kita bersujud kepada Sanghyang Widhi karena telah memberikan kemampuan pada pikiran kita untuk menggunakan benda-benda logam dalam memudahkan kehidupan kita.
Mungkin ada kaitannya dengan zaman perunggu, awal dari penemuan logam.
Banten yang digunakan pada saat Tumpek Landep:
  1. Pejati (tegteg daksina, pers, ajuman)
  2. Pengulapan – pengambean
  3. Prayascita
  4. Tebasan Pasupati
  5. Segehan manca warna
Dihaturkan di Sanggah Pamerajan, kemudian semua benda dari logam (mobil, sepeda motor, mesin jahit, pisau, dll) di-’tatabin’ banten-banten itu, kemudian diperciki tirta pasupati.
Demikian dengan kalimat yang sama, masing-masing untuk: ‘daksina’, ‘pascima’, ‘utara’ dan ‘madya’.







                               TAMAN AYUN TEMPLE                      

 The temple is located in the village of Mengwi, now a town, around 18 kms north west of Denpasar city. If one wish to find this temple she/he can take the main road of Denpasar - Bedugul through the town of Kapal, then arrive at well known cow market of Beringkit, from here the temple is only around 5 kms to the direction of Bedugul. Exactly at the cross road of Mengwi town turn right, one will soon see the Pura Taman Ayun temple. The name of Taman Ayun literally means the garden of mind. It was probably the temple was designed not only as religious purpose, but also as an art that could be uses as the place of relax and refreshing the soul of the king as well as the people who worship the god and homage of the ancestors. Seen physically, the temple confirms the specific views nd careful choice of location from where the environments are lower and on the west side of the temple location is a river which is blocked at the southern end of the temple to form a wide pool bordering the west part of the temple, and exactly across the pool is the palace.

The outline of the temple as the common temple of Bali is divided into 3 yards. The first is the outer yard, is considered the common place, less holy, the central yard for the place of preparing material of rituals, and the jeroan yard where all sacred constructions and place of ritual are existing. The total size of the temple proper is 250 x 100 meters that covers the 3 yards, not including the pool. Some wrote that the outline of the temple consist of 4 yards they separate the outer yard with 2 shrines dedicated to the ancestor spirits through the temple of Nusa island and Batu Aya. Car parking area is located at the outermost of the yard directly accessible from the main road. This road is leading from the cross road at the center of Mengwi town to the town of Abian Semal and Sangeh monkey forest.

The Jeroan yard, is considered the holiest place of the temple. For Taman Ayun, the jeroan has 25 shrines, as the main shrine is dedicated to the god as the power of irrigation called Ulun Sui, a meru with 11 superimposed roofs. There are another 11 merus for a praying related to some temples outside Taman Ayun so people can pray immediately without specifically come to the respective temple, such as the temple of Gunung Agung, Sakenan, and Batukara, while 2 merus with 9 roofs praying to the temples of Batur and Beratan temples. It is very interesting to know that no one of the main shrine is dedicated to Hindu God as those of India. Most shrines are medium of worship to the spirit of Bali original belief. There is found a shrine at the central yard mentioned as the shrine of Surya with 3 nitched pavilion. Realizing this, it is clear that the status of the temple is specific to the kingdom ancestor's spirits as proved by a shrine dedicated to I Pasek Badak at the jeroan yard.

At the central yard are exist 6 shrines, and at the first yard found 13 shrines including now a big meeting hall called wantilan. This meeting hall can be used for various purposes with capacity more then 200 persons. It is a design based on bali traditional activities with higher place for performance stage. Border between courtyard is separated by gates constructed in red bricks and decorated with beautiful carving of bas relief. Central yard has beautiful zoning with garden. Combined with the palace and it's tradition Taman Ayun temple is a perfect place to organize a cultural activities, especially with dinner. Cultural night program will include traditional performance, music, Bali traditional life, folk art and dinner.

Mengwi kingdom according to a manuscript written on lontar palm leave was started around 1634. King of Tabanan detained a price, and by king of Marga this price was released and brought to Marga When king of Penebel conflicted with Tabanan the price helped Tabanan to win the battle. King of Tabanan gave Marga to this price, who is later known as I Gusti Ngurah Putu. The palace was moved from Marga to Blayu and I Gusti Ngurah Putu made an asceticism on the peak of Mount Mangu to request strong power. Return from asceticism he moved again his palace to Mengwi. From Mengwi he extended his kingdom and was able to annex half of Bali island including Blambangan kingdom on east Java, which is now known as Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Success in bringing Mengwi as the biggest kingdom in Bali including Blambangan, he then used the title I Gusti Agung Sakti Blambangan, and built the temple of Taman Ayun. The success of Mengwi can not be separated from the role of commander I Pasek Badak. A common person from the village of Buduk near Krobokan town. Unknown reason king was drawn into unending conflict with Pasek, caused the fall of many victims. It was told that the king was almost defeated and causing a great panic and suddenly Pasek realized that his attitude could erase his great success for years to build the kingdom with the king. That is why he asked the king to kill himself and for the sake of the kingdom he committed to end the conflict, and ordered the king to adopt 40 persons from 4 castes who will continue his commitment to protect the kingdom and his spirit be enshrined at Taman Ayun temple. The king agreed the request of I Pasek and built a shrine at the most sacred yard of Taman Ayun with meru of 2 roofs as the shrine of I Pasek Badak. Those 40 persons worship the spirit of Pasek is called Pasek Bata-bata and until today this group continue to worship him and always obediently praying at front of the shrine to request the strength of I Pasek Badak. Toward the end of 19th century the kingdom of Mengwi totally declined and their kingdom was divided and taken over by Tabanan, Badung, Buleleng, Gianyar, and Bangli. While Blambangan entering the influence of Islam and strong relation with Islamic kingdom of Mataram ( now Yogyakarta ).

The gates of the temple imitate the style of Klungkung palace, as Klungkung was considered the highest ruler on Bali, which location was just on the west side of present day Kerta Gosha in the middle of Klungkung city. Kingdom of Bali under dynasty of Kepakisan with the title I Dewa or Dewa Agung started to enter turbulences since 1651, when their minister from Arya group with title I Gusti took over the rule, although within short time the rule of Kepakisan could be restored, but for the rest of the life of Bali until 20th century Bali continued to experiences breakages and born 9 small kingdoms until the independence in 1945.

The ceremony for the temple is fall on Anggara Kasih Medangsia, a local calendar which can not be regularly fixed with international calendar except the day Anggara means Tuesday. The responsibility on maintenance, rituals, and others is by Mengwi royal palace, assisted by the area of Kecamatan Mengwi. Usually not only people from Kecamatan Mengwi who come to pray during ceremony but also people from outside who might ever the resident under Mengwi kingdom in the past. The ceremony will last for 3 days, and during these days a procession by girls in colorful costumes holding on head a high offering called gebogan, a unique panorama. The procession usually started at 4 o'clock, when the whole yard of the temple is full of beautiful offering of gebongan. Exact time of this ceremony can be seen on Bali local calendar which is published every year. Mengwi kingdom is one of the kingdom that built so many temples such as Taman Ayun, Ulun Danu, Pradasa Kapal, Tanah Lot, Bukit Sari Sangeh, Kedaton, Batukaru, Batu Klotok, and Pucak Mangu.






he following information about tourist attractions in Bali :: Beratan Lake - Bedugul, Bali, Bali is a place located in a mountainous area that has a cool and comfortable atmosphere, to enjoy the beauty of the lake and Ulun Danu Beratan, located in the village of Yellow Temple , District Baturiti, Tabanan. The distance is approximately 70 miles from the tourist area of ​​Kuta / airport. Building located at Bedugul tourist area is a building long ago and somewhat old-fashioned, but all physical objec still clean and neatly arranged. If the airport can be taken two hours away by car.

Pura Ulun danu - Bedugul

Travelers can enjoy a relaxing time while touring with a walk, rent a boat, many tourists visit here during the holiday season arrives. There's Botanical Gardens in Bedugul which is the only one in Bali, various types of fruits and vegetables fruits thrive in this area. Locals sell their garden in the local market and also sold to other areas in Bali.

In prepared attractions of this boat or canoe is rented out for pengunjug to better enjoy the beauty of Lake Beratan. In tourist areas there are small stalls for souvenirs for the family. To be able to visit these attractions, tourists can take the package full day Bedugul - Tanah Lot Tour route that we have compiled tourism objects that will be visited during a hari.Atau tourists can rent a car + driver + fuel decide which route would be selected attractions can also self drive if you already know the route / path to the attraction. For other attractions in Bali click here

                                                         ALAS KEDATON  

 Alas Kedaton is a small forest with the width about 6-7ha located in the middle of the rice field in Tabanan regency, west part of Bali. The total size of this forest, temple and its supporter facility is about 12 ha. In this forest, there is a temple called Alas Kedaton Temple and owns the natural environments that is looked green with its fresh air and create the calm, quite and holy atmosphere. The monkeys in Alas Kedaton are very tame and free gallivanting in temple yard, so that the calm atmosphere is sometime solved by noise voice of the monkey, which are playing around and scrambling of food. The monkeys who dwell in this forest, there are jump up and down in temple wall, take a bath in moat or there is also hang out in few leaves representing impression view. The monkey like as custodian of temple, which are always ready to greet all visitor who are paying a visit to this place. Beside monkeys, in Kedaton forest also can be met the bats and some other animals. At least 24 types of grove pant have been identified in Alas Kedaton.Places of Interest in Bali, Monkey Forest in Bali


las Kedaton is Place to Visit in Bali

Places of interest in Bali, Alas Kedaton, Bali Monkey ForestAlas Kedaton is located in Kukuh countryside, Marga Sub district, Tabanan Regency . The journey go to this place can be done easily by using motor vehicle follow the major roadway from Denpasar to Tabanan. On the way go to this tourist place, we will see the beautiful nature view where in front of us will meet the carpet of rice field and irrigation voice at the side of road to bear the impression/peaceful atmosphere. Alas Kedaton Temple have three yard that are external yard, middle and center yard. In the center and middle yard are encircled by wall and the outside yard is representing a open yard. The interesting point of this temple is the inside yard representing holy yard, its situation lower than the middle yard. This thing is different compare with the general temples in Bali that are more goes to inside the temple, the more higher the place will be. Beside of that another interesting point of this temple owns four entrances.

Temple Festival at Alas Kedaton Temple

Places to see in Bali, Alas Kedaton Places to visitThe temple ceremony in alas Kedaton temple is carried out every 210 days a year. It is on Anggarakasih Medangsia (Balinese Hindu Calendar) or on every Tuesday where on that time the society do the worship or pray to request the safety and prosperity. The unique in this ceremony is do not use the fire and do not hence Penjor and also finished before the sunset or before the night is come.
In growth of handling of this tourist destination, Alas Kedaton has several become a training location about tourism nature, environmental handling and agro tourism. Alas Kedaton is many visited by the tourist from local and foreign countries which are generally a lot of paying a visit on August, December until January, while the local tourist generally pay a visit on holiday season and feast day of Ramadan (Moslem holiday) and this place is good to be visited in the day time. In front of Alas Kedaton temple there are quite a lot small shops selling the handicraft as souvenir, for example clothes, pants and other handicrafts. Others, there are some shops booth selling food and beverage, toilet and park area which is wide enough.

                                        TANAH LOT 

Objek Wisata Sunset di Tanah LotThe tiny island was formed by the gradual erosion of the ocean tide over thousands of years. The temple of Tanah Lot is said to have been founded by the 16th-century priest Nirartha, one of the last priests to come to Bali from Java. Objek Wisata Tanah Lot Bali
The temple of Tanah Lot stands on a rocky island just off the southwest coast of Bali. One of Bali's most sacred sea temples, Tanah Lot is dedicated to the guardian spirits of the sea. The temple itself is said to be guarded from evil by the sea snakes that inhabit the caves below.
The temple itself is not accessible to visitors, but magnificent views can be had from a variety of points nearby. Crowds especially gather on the terraces nearby to watch the glow of the sunset behind the temple. Naturally, there are plenty of souvenir shops and cafes with a view to keep you well-supplied while doing so